Who we are
Think Global, Play International
Contact us for more information
PromExport Italia network
PromExport Italia Network was born on the initiative of six Italian companies, different from each other but integrated in terms of skills and services.
The Network was born from the desire to assist companies and support the internationalization of the numerous Italian excellences. Thanks to everyone’s contribution, Rete PromExport Italia provides Italian companies with integrated consultancy and concrete support for subsidized finance projects, international promotion and development, logistics and communication. We make a common front, providing experience and expertise to provide companies with all the assistance necessary for the definition of new international development plans. We literally hold hands with entrepreneurs eager to take on new challenges through constant comparison, careful evaluation of their expectations and monitoring of the great opportunities offered by international markets.

Our Mission
We believe in the importance of international economic growth for companies.
We are the voice of our companies and their operational arm.
We are social actors and promoters of change. We speak to the different generations of entrepreneurs, opening doors and creating opportunities. We believe in the strength of collaboration and in the effectiveness of creating a system. We represent, support and encourage.
We are the voice of companies and Made In Italy in the world.
Our vision
We want to increase the international development of Italian companies and encourage their relaunch at an international level. We want to be the reference point for each of our companies interested in facing new challenges on foreign markets. We want to support those who rely on us every day with targeted services and concrete actions.


Dario Rota
President of PromExport Italia
CEO, DR & Partners Srl

Paola Carniglia
Vice President PromExport Italia
Commercial manager, OTIM SpA

Michele Sabatino
Director PromExport Italia
General Manager, Euroconsult Soc. Coop.

Ruggero Targhetta

Stefano Merico
Marchiodimpresa Srl
PromExport Italia Network: Together to promote the internationalization of Italian companies.
PromExport Italia
+39 335 580 1001